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  1. SixChickFlock

    How do you make your chickens more comfortable with you?

    On a different forum, I found the following, which seems plausible and indicates that bread may not be good for chickens... Quote: I am no expert. It does seem that overfeeding bread is not a good idea.
  2. SixChickFlock

    How do you make your chickens more comfortable with you?

    I have one Buff Orpington who has been laying for 3-4 weeks now. Her first eggs weighed in at 42 grams... The first may have weighed 39 grams. Yesterdays egg was 51.4 grams. Weight seems to go up and then down a bit, but generally up. She's been around 50 g for the last week or so. I think we...
  3. SixChickFlock

    How do you make your chickens more comfortable with you?

    I use names whenever I talk to any of my 6 girls. This has happened before... Yesterday I came into the yard and 5 hens were tossing up the compost pile. The sixth was nowhere to be seen. I asked, like you'd ask a dog or a child... "Where's Nellie?" a couple times. Moments later, Florence...
  4. SixChickFlock

    How do you make your chickens more comfortable with you?

    SDM... Something else you might try, very slowly. Today Florence came in through the coop front door to find a nest while I was checking the nests for eggs. I kept real still and talked to her softly until she actually came in the nest while I was right there! I left her alone after a bit and...
  5. SixChickFlock

    How do you make your chickens more comfortable with you?

    Hehe... Yard treats are the best! I pick ripe mulberries for them even though there are tons on the ground. And serviceberries!!! They love 'em but the berries never make it to the ground so I hang out with the girls and pick and pick and we take turns eating them. They will jump on command for...
  6. SixChickFlock

    How do you make your chickens more comfortable with you?

    Treats and training! Pick them up without chasing them when you can, and reward them. I play a game with mine. Jumping for treats as each gals name is called. It's a lot of fun and they seem to know their names... And sometimes the names of others. I usually use bites of bread, but mine can...
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