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  1. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    I don't think I shrink wrapped it?. I did this in a bathroom with the shower steaming up the room and misted it and wrapped it in a damp paper towel when I placed it back. (Not covering the air hole)
  2. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    No :-(. It had internally pipped and after a day of no progress, I made an external pip For it. It was alive and chirping so I put it back to see if it would hatch the rest on its on. This was late at night. The next morning nothing had changed so I checked and it was dead :-(.
  3. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    I quickly checked and it appears the fluid in the air cell has dried up so I misted some warm water on it & put it back. Just keeping my fingers crossed now!
  4. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Sorry to ask so many questions and thank you so much for all of your help!!!As long as there is no external pips, I'm not going to mess up anything opening and closing the incubator to recheck the air cells and make the holes if I need too?
  5. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Today was lockdown. I candled again and the chick is still alive but there is fluid in the air cell!! Now what do I do? Should I still up the humidity as normal for lockdown? How will I know if it needs help? I'm afraid of it pipping internally and drowning??
  6. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Ok thanks! It's due to hatch on Friday... The air sac still looks a little too small :-(.. So hatch day I'll probably be posting panicking!!
  7. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    I candled the eggs I have that are at day 14 & yes I have ruined them! :-(. Only 1 is still alive. I got as much water as I could out of the incubator & the humidity is down to 40 right now. Any chance this one will make it or anything else I should do??
  8. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    I definitely will!
  9. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Yeah these are shipped eggs. I'll change up my humidity "ways". Thank you so very much for your advice!!
  10. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Oh thank you so much!!! I had a batch of 9 eggs prior to this one that was my first & only 3 made it. I have 6 that are on day 14 .. I'm going to candle them today and attempt to judge the air cell size. If I've had the humidity too high for them, is it too late to save them at this point? And...
  11. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Also my humidity during incubation was around 60 , was that too high?
  12. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    I actually have some 1 week old chicks in the brooder but I'm afraid to put it in there since it seems weak. Do you think it would be ok or should I keep it in the incubator longer?
  13. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Ok I'll try that Thanks!!!
  14. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Can anyone help me with this?? The chick is still alive this morning but has a hard time walking. It's bottom is still swollen :-(
  15. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Thank you very much! The last one left that seemed stuck finally hatched out! Yeah! But it seems weak and his stomach/ bottom area looks really big and swollen to me. Can anyone tell me if this is normal?
  16. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Thanks for your advice! I quickly removed the other eggs , including the one that pipped in the middle of the egg. I candled the other eggs & all are dead :-( .. The 2 that had pipped in the wrong spot had cracked the egg but it didn't get through the membrane? They were all doing great until...
  17. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    Please anyone with advice!! I also have one that pipped in the middle of the egg.Doesn't look like it's in the air cell!!!
  18. crzyckldy

    Please help newbie hatcher!!

    I have 7 eggs going on day 22. One pipped the wrong end yesterday, I waited too long to try & help and it died. Another that pipped correctly has been struggling all day to zip. I have a small Janoel 8 incubator & my hygrometer went out yesterday so now I don't know my humidity :-(!! I have the...
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