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  1. Stiggy

    Is my pullet blind or developmentally delayed?

    Once again, sorry to hear that. It is especially difficult when they are pets/ make themselves uber friendly. Yes hens can be old and mean to anything weaker than themselves, I've been thinking about this lately for when my 2 half blind girls get older as to what I will do should the others get...
  2. Stiggy

    Is my pullet blind or developmentally delayed?

    I'm sorry to hear that, its a real shame. I take it that her eyes never got better then?
  3. Stiggy

    Is my pullet blind or developmentally delayed?

    It depends on what caused her to be/ go blind. I doubt it will get better but I dont know if it will get any worse. If she stays with the flock, isn't being bullied and is eating and drinking ok then she should be ok. Just be aware that she may struggle
  4. Stiggy

    Is my pullet blind or developmentally delayed?

    Then yes she is blind. If she can eat ok and keep a good weight then she will be able to lay, however her quality of life and ability to enjoy it is another matter. She will be unable to find things including the nest boxes and they are very susseptiable to predators and injuries. There are...
  5. Stiggy

    Is my pullet blind or developmentally delayed?

    She sounds spooked, and vision inpared. Check her eyes for grey/ milky areas which look kind of like cateracts/glycomas . they are a sure sign of blindness
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