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  1. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    My husband and I also work a 4 10s schedule so you're not alone at all! Our flock is small compared to a lot of the other member's on here but they are full of great advice and info! You're close to me! Where do you work??
  2. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    I agree! I am born and bred here and I love to just stop and appreciate the beauty of it all!
  3. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    It's looking like I'll be spending lots of time with it! I never knew 21 days could feel like an eternity! :barnie
  4. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Happy Sunday everybody. I haven't commented in a while but I've been lurking in the shadows. My sweet husband is apparently a glutton for punishment and bought me this huge GQF incubator for Christmas. It was gently used and looks brand new. My first eggs I've ever hatched are in it now and...
  5. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Not good, little chicken died Saturday morning. She fought hard and I tried. I hare it but it happens. Thanks for asking, I haven't been on in several days!
  6. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Update on little hen...she's still alive! I'm very surprised. She looks bad and her head is just floppy but I got some steroids in her so hopefully that will kick in. Hoping she pulls through!
  7. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Hey everyone, little made it through the night but didnt look good this morning. I haven't made it home yet from work and I'm not very optimistic. Hope she surprises me and us mad at being stuck in a crate inside when I get home! Thanks for all of the advice and good vibes!
  8. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    So sorry to hear that, it is a very hard thing to do! Hugs!
  9. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Ok, the only reason I had it on her was that I was worried she was in shock right after it happened. She was shivering so bad and her feet were freezing. That's all stopped now though.
  10. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Should I keep the heat lamp on her if she's in my house? It's 71 in here now.
  11. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Thanks y'all, that is interesting article Rameriz, I will pick up what I need tomorrow for her. She's getting a lot more active in the crate this last hour. Lots of chirping and squirming around. Hopefully she is coming around. I had no idea about the crested breeds having soft spots in their...
  12. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Well, she doesn't seem to be much worse but isn't better either. I've been reading other threads with people saying they've had them bounce back just like you have. I'm hoping for the best, she's a really sweet chicken. Her eyes seem ok. She has opened them up when I've gone to handle her...
  13. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    She is a 16 week old frizzled Polish. She's on her side right now in the crate under a heat lamp. I've gotten some diluted Gatorade down her but that's it. Her head is just limp and floppy. Every now and then she'll start flopping around and ends up on her back which can't be a good thing...
  14. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    I need help!! One of my chickens attacked and hurt another little hen. She isn't hurt bad that I can tell, some blood around her face on one side. I cleaned it up some. She is limp though with eyes closed and just peeps. Shaking some so I have her inside with me under a heat light. She wont...
  15. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  16. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Thank you very much! I will let my dear, sweet, beyond patient husband know!
  17. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    I've heard about that too! I do have a sweet Silkie roo that could use a Silkie girlfriend.....
  18. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Ok all you wise chicken people, my first wedding anniversary is on the horizon and what do I want my sweet husband to get first incubator! I need some help though, I need to know which one works the best and is the most reliable and idiot proof! I've never hatched out babies in an...
  19. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Ok, so what do you mean by how they were raised??
  20. AmyLou1782

    North Carolina

    Ok, question from a newbie. I have BLRW, EE, Lemon Cuckoo Orpington, and Americauna hens all between 23 and 25 weeks old. When should I begin seeing eggs? I've never raised them from chicks before so I was wondering if I'm expecting them too early. I've started them on layer crumble and oyster...
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