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  1. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Wilkes County here! By the way... Is anyone in the area looking to downsize their flock for new Spring arrivals? I'm looking for some adult birds to start a new flock. Thanks!
  2. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Gosh I've not been on here in forever! Hope everyone is doing well. My girls started molting this week so it looks like a feather explosion in the hen house! Featherfixer here we come! Lol
  3. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Haven't been on in a while! I found my broody a new home where she could be a mama since I've had to break her multiple times over the last year I've had her. That brings my little flock down to 4. I love my girls! Hope everyone is ready for summer!
  4. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hey y'all! The kids and I are headed to the Spring Show tomorrow! Can't wait to see all the chickens! Hope to see y'all there!
  5. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Oh...and I just added this beauty to my flock today! Love her already!
  6. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hi! We are real close, how fun! How many and what breeds do you have? I've got 2 black australorp, 1 light Sussex, 1 speckled Sussex, and a light brahma. One of my hens died about a week ago. Hopefully I can add a new girl this spring. If I had my way, I'd have about 30 lol! And a few Roos.
  7. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hey, neighbors! I live in Forsyth County too! I'm in an area where I'm only allowed to have hens though:-( I grew up on a farm in Wilkes though and had all the chickens I could ever want when I was a kid. Miss that life a lot. Hope y'all are enjoying having chickens as much as I do.
  8. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    My very first chicken I got. My old, sweet girl. I found her dead in the coop today when I got home from work. No sign of a predator. I guess she was just getting old. RIP Margo! We will miss you.
  9. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    My girls have finally figured out Spring is around the corner!
  10. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Dottie and Georgette's first snow! Lol!
  11. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    The eggs are rolling in! So proud of my girls considering it's so cold outside.
  12. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Happy New Year!
  13. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Put a tarp over the run to try and keep some of this rain out and mud down. Spread out some straw and the girls seem to love it! Scratching away and clucking like a bunch of fat happy bitties! Lol
  14. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Thanks for the advice! That's funny you mention that. My girls always end up going under the coop to dust themselves when they are out free ranging. It's like it's their "hang out" spot. Lol.
  15. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hey y'all! Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for Christmas. The warm weather has been crazy! It doesn't even feel like December. I know my girls aren't complaining, but I was hoping for a white Christmas. Can y'all give me some advice on whether or not my coop is appropraite for...
  16. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hey guys! Quick question... The 2 black australorp pullets I got over the summer are now approximately 6 months old. Should I expect some eggs from them by the end of the year, or will they probably not start laying til spring? Thanks! Georgette says, "Excuse me!?!" Lol!
  17. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hey gang! My 4 older girls are struggling through a molt. We went out of town over the weekend and I bought a bag of the Nature Wise Feather Fixer and put in in their feeders. Got back late last night and couldn't really see them in the dark. This morning I let them out and the flock looks...
  18. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    My kiddos
  19. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    Hey y'all! I enjoy hearing about everyone's little flocks and families. I'm a 32 year old dad of a 6 year old boy and a 7 year old girl! My wife works full time and I work part time as a nurse. I'm originally from a small town in Wilkes where I grew up on a small farm and raised all kinds of...
  20. Buckbeak01

    North Carolina

    You will love australorps! They are my favorite breed. Lovely ladies:-)
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