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  1. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    Sorry, just saw this..but DE= diatomaceous earth..can be found in a small container for about $8 in chicken section of Tractor's like 8lbs and that's going on 2 years worth for me. I occasionally use it as a dust for the chickens but not often bc it will kill honeybees..there's a lot...
  2. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    All of my eggs have been shipped, but seem to develop pretty good when their cells aren't awful.. how many other hens/roos are with her? How old is she?
  3. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    Lots of good people to buy from on here..try to find them as close as possible..check air cells upon arrive and mark any with wobbly cells..let them sit a full 24 hours upright to give cells a chance to reattach.. I've only ever hatched shipped eggs in an incubator but I let mine with bad cells...
  4. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    How do you feel about DE? I use it around my house for the creepy works pretty good imo..I'm pretty careful with it so I'm not killing bees but I don't know if it'd work on spiders??? Don't know if they have the same type of exoskeleton of the bugs it does kill
  5. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    #1: Unless you're showing, if they have big crests (which they probably will) keep them trimmed so they can see..I had one hen who's was lopsided a bit and if I didn't keep that side trimmed it was so heavy she couldn't even open her eye..
  6. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    It shouldn't be much..I've shipped to Michigan and further and that was 30 eggs with bigger EE and reds eggs and the most I paid was 13$
  7. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    Broodiness is contagious.. wire bottomed cage with nothing for them to hide in is the best way to break them..
  8. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina the Tolbunt ♡♡ I have 2 dozen in the incu cooking. Keep waving my magic mojo wand hoping this group does better than the last but honestly I'm happy with any I get ♡♡ Here's my "boy" He's hitting his gawky stage and is all ostrich upright looking bc I had him on top of the brooder and...
  9. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    Oh hun :hugs My heart broke reading your posts :'( I know this won't bring back your baby, but if you want them, I'd be happy to send you banty eggs from my guys..they're all black except one dark bearded blue hen..I'm in WV so would have to ship but the offer will stand.
  10. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    My daughter does that with her horses black lead..looks just like a black snake..they also have a very realistic plastic spider that gets put in some very creative realistic places from on a bale of hay, hanging from a saddle, up in the folded towels. .and they laugh and laugh when I finally...
  11. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    Maybe we should move to the artic..
  12. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    You have my sympathy completely. Spiders make me pee a lil, cry a lot and want to live in a plastic bubble..I was working outside yesterday and I have a huge dog runner cable stretched near where I was working. I was walking backwards, felt a web brush my cheek.. (pee'd a lil on the...
  13. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    That's amazing ♡♡ I'm a firm believer that those relationships built around a strong friendship will last forever ♡♡ Not saying others are doomed by any means, and of course..once you figure in chicken math over the next few years, you'll bond over those feathered babies too :D
  14. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    You need guineas ;) I'd say as long as the bug spray is dry, your chickens should be safe. I don't love DE, but if I were you I think I'd dust where the centipedes and spiders are seen the most..don't dust anywhere where the wind will blow it or bees can get in it. It will kill bees and that's...
  15. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    I had a similiar experience last year..I use dog exercise pens with netting over the top.. ran inside for 2 seconds and when I came out one had vanished..all the others were acting fine so I didn't think anything snatched it, thought maybe it just got out..I looked EVERYWHERE with no
  16. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    Yay!! I tried goats, but they wouldn't stay in their fences and started getting into chicken food and if we left a door to the house open, our big one would run inside, jump on the couch and she'd turn into a mule and would not move until she left pellets for I decided goats were not for...
  17. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    That's where fellow BYC enablers come in..just order you some eggs and slip them in there ;)
  18. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    I appreciate the effort..I received a PM last night from a lady in Michigan, she has one pair..she's filling a mixed order right now but as soon as she's done...I'm next!!! I think we're going to do 4-6 eggs every week for 3'll be a lil pain with the small staggered hatches but...
  19. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    That would be AMAZING!:hugs I had some and had a dog issue so I rehomed them immediately and the girl still has them but she's too attached for me to ever think about asking for them back and she has them running mixed with her silkies and barnyard variety so zero chance of a pure egg.. I have...
  20. CrzyChknLady81

    North Carolina

    By any chance, does anyone know a breeder/source for Gold(en) Laced Polish? I'm looking for eggs, 12-18+.. I've been searching for months, with no luck and wouldn't post on this thread otherwise, buy trying every where in a last minute effort.
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