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  1. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Thanks for your input wild. I might put her in there for a couple hours tomorrow since its going to be nice out. I can sit and watch and see what goes on. If he tries to be too rough with her or anything I'll just take her back out. I won't leave her in there unsupervised.
  2. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Thanks everyone!
  3. choptank330

    North Carolina

    I know Bhep, that's what I'm terrified of :(
  4. choptank330

    North Carolina

    He isn't the most aggressive, but not the most gentle with the girls either. I've never had a silkie nor a bantam so I wasn't sure. Right now she is in with my teenage marans. I don't know if its because she looks different but my Faverolles too was attacking her earlier. Pecking her neck and...
  5. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Hey everyone, I got a silkie today!! She is 8 months old, I have a 12lb Orpington rooster. Is it OK to put her in there with him or will he hurt her?
  6. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Thanks everyone for the help. I rubbed his eye well and he is opening it a bit more. I know its going to take a few days to heal but thanks again so much!
  7. choptank330

    North Carolina

  8. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone.. My rooster got attacked yesterday morning. I gave him a warm bath and washed all the blood off. Put some vasealine on his comb and wattles. Well this morning one of his eyes are swollen shut. What can I put on his eyes???
  9. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Same here in Franklin County.. I threw a whole bunch of straw in the run today to try and cut down on some of the muddy slush that it is. The chickens stay right out in it. They have under the coop which is dry and inside and they rather be out in the rain. Crazy chicks!! Stay warm and have a...
  10. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Thank you Matt!!
  11. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Oh ok. My coop in totally enclosed. I shut them up at night, so there isn't any drafts. I am glad you told me this. Might be a littler easier than what I had expected. I am going to try and convince him that I need them
  12. choptank330

    North Carolina

    haha I am sure that was a interesting sight and experience. How do you keep the temperature at the degrees it needs to be?
  13. choptank330

    North Carolina

    What do I need ? A light? Shavings? Feeder and Waterer? and a tote?
  14. choptank330

    North Carolina

    I am going to have to sweet talk my husband to build me a brooder box. I got two older girls that are 10 weeks old (barred rocks). They are so sweet. I want some more. But all this cold weather they would a box. Hopefully in the next few weeks he will build me one
  15. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Very rainy and muddy here! I know we need the rain but boy am I tired of it and so are my chicks!! They look awful :) Good things is they can go under their coop to get a little dry. Then all this talk about us getting 3-5 inches of snow tonight .. I am ready for it to be dry again.. Well I am...
  16. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Sorry jaha :( i lost one 3 days ago as well. Its tough.
  17. choptank330

    North Carolina

    I hope your precious Ginger makes it!!!
  18. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Here is one from today.
  19. choptank330

    North Carolina

    Oh no!!! I sure hope that they don't turn out to be boys!! There is only one solid white one. I had bought five from little birdie in wake forest and gave three away to my husbands best friend. I kept the one that is mostly black and the one that is all white . In the ad they were guaranteed...
  20. choptank330

    North Carolina

    I hope not :( they were guaranteed girls :(
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