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  1. dlockey

    North Carolina

  2. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Patience, they will get bigger as the birds continue to lay. Glad to hear that your chickens are doing well!! debbie
  3. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Hi guys!! Haven't posted in a while but have been here reading most days. I am so sorry for all the losses, both from preditors and the heat. Mary, so sorry about Doodle Bug, but boy is her grandbaby cute!!!! And, as far as kittens go..........personally have NEVER seen one I didn't love!! We...
  4. dlockey

    North Carolina

    I had one that did that, I put a medium size stuffed cat in with them, did the trick! Sure did look cute, those chicks snuggled up to a stuffed black cat!!
  5. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Yes he did and we are so excited for him!!! Four years is a really long time!!!
  6. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Contact your Animal Control, they often know of low cost spay/neuter clinics. Pretty much all the stray cats in Pender Co. seem to end up at my house!! Thankfully, we have a clinic nearby.
  7. dlockey

    North Carolina

    OK, guys, I have a "duck" question. I have looked at BYC's duck forumn but could not find an answer. And, I know how smart all of you are, so I know someone will have an answer!! We have ducklings, 7 are about 2 to 3 months old, and 4 that are about 5 months. At present, they are in a...
  8. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Hudson Hardware is in Castle Hayne, my DH, Steve will be there early. He drives a green Ford super duty truck. he LOVES to talk chicken!! I am working tomorrow hope ya'll have fun!! debbie
  9. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Jon, so sorry to hear about your loss. One of our first Cochin hens just dropped dead one day. No marks, no clues, I googled and asked and researched, but never found any answers. There was something called sudden death syndrome.
  10. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Went back to work today after being out for over a week with the crud. Two rounds of antibiotics and one of steriods later!! We went to WCA on Sunday and had fun, met Mary , sure was good to meet in person!! Came home with 4 Columbian Wyndotte pullets for our CW roo. Also 4 teenage ducks, and 7...
  11. dlockey

    North Carolina

    I agree, sounds like a coyote to me, big enough to carry a large chicken, jump a fence, etc. Debbie
  12. dlockey

    North Carolina

    She posted yesterday that the jam class was on. We are on the road to WCA as I type!!!! Haven't been but once and that was last September!!! Excited!! Debbie and Steve He is wearing jeans and blue ball cap, I am wearing black capris and light orange top. Find us fellow...
  13. dlockey

    North Carolina

    We are finally going back to WCA!!! We have only been once, and that was months ago!!! DH has been working since then so we couldn't go. BUT, now he is home for a while, and our Mem. day boat outing isn't looking so good, forcast for rain/wind!! So, WCA, here we come!!!! I know , from reading...
  14. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Glad to have you here!! I live in Hampstead!! Where in Wilmington do you live? We are fairly new to chickens, only about 9 months. Be careful of the chicken math!!! We also started with 3 and quickly rose to 50ish!!!! You will enjoy this forumn, lots of nice folks and great information. Debbie
  15. dlockey

    North Carolina

    So glad your girl is home!!!
  16. dlockey

    North Carolina

    We put Mama C. and her 5 chicks into the grow out coop ( AKA: old rabbit hutch ) . So far, they are staying in the house part, hoping that tomorrow they will venture out so I can see them better! Did reach in a couple times to scoop one up for a little snuggle. Mama C. is much more fiesty than...
  17. dlockey

    North Carolina

    OK, here are some pics of the new babies!!! Ready for some cute??? It is so very amazing to me how fast they grow. Think about a human infant, how dependent on others we humans are. These little guys are up and going on day one! One little guy escaped today, ran into the Jersey Giant's...
  18. dlockey

    North Carolina

    OK, so I counted my chickens before they hatched.......We have 5 babies, and did have 3 eggs left. But, even tho 1 was pipped he did not make it, the other 2 were not fully developed. So, we will be real happy with the new quints!!! Then while gathering eggs, i tripped on a chicken or 2 or 4 or...
  19. dlockey

    North Carolina

    We have babies!!!!!!! They started hatching 3 days ago. This is our first hatch and I did not know they could hatch so many days. I thought they would all hatch in one or two days and then be done. So far, we have 6 chicks, 1 pipped and 2 remaining eggs!! They are so very cute!! And , so tiny...
  20. dlockey

    North Carolina

    Nope, she is a she!! Must have been the can!! Debbie
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