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  1. Flutterbee

    Day 21 and no signs of hatching :(

    Thank you guys so much! I went in the coop to feed everyone this morning and I could hear the merry sounds of peeping chicks! Not sure if any have hatched yet (as you said, I'm leaving her alone ;) ) But I will check first thing tomorrow! :D Pictures to follow!
  2. Flutterbee

    Day 21 and no signs of hatching :(

    UPDATE! So my father decided to check the nest before I could tell him to leave them alone and THEY ARE HATCHING! OMG I AM ACTUALLY CRYING! BABIES! I won't be able to sleep tonight!
  3. Flutterbee

    Day 21 and no signs of hatching :(

    Alright, I won't. I won't do anything until Friday and then I'll just take a peek. Thanks so much guys. I appreciate the support.
  4. Flutterbee

    Day 21 and no signs of hatching :(

    Thank you so much. I'm just a nervous wreck waiting for these little guys to hatch. I really hope that they do :( I saw movement before when I candled a few days ago...
  5. Flutterbee

    Day 21 and no signs of hatching :(

    So my hen, Edna, has been sitting on about nineteen eggs that I have periodically been checking with various methods such as candling (which has shown some success). I first noticed her sitting on August 1st, but I'm not sure how long before that she had been so I said July 31st just to be safe...
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