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  1. Minflick

    Mealworm treats... aka fun stuff to feed the girls

    Hubs likes to look out the living room window at the chicken run and watch the girls putter around (or snooze, as the case may be). A little bit ago, he called my attention to a GIANT spider (orb weaver, I think) weaving a nice web just outside the window. Body was the size of a garbanzo bean!
  2. Minflick

    Mealworm treats... aka fun stuff to feed the girls

    The Dust Buster is your friend.... Long skinny 'nose' on it. Crickets in the house - I've had! We had a condo down in Orange County, CA, 20 years ago, where our only livestock was the family cat. We apparently had crickets in the pipe to the kids bathroom and when I ran the water into the...
  3. Minflick

    Mealworm treats... aka fun stuff to feed the girls

    And they're in a bag with nothing else in there, and no disguising label on the bag, either! Nothing for my eyes to focus on but the ick factor!!! Here in Boulder Creek, it's giant spider time. I'd give a lot to be able to carry a chicken in and point her at the ****** spider and tell her...
  4. Minflick

    Mealworm treats... aka fun stuff to feed the girls

    Thanks, good to know. That will be either a 'shake' or a small scoop, because I'm not at all sure my hands are willing to touch the mealworms... I am oddly and selectively squeamish. Melinda
  5. Minflick

    Mealworm treats... aka fun stuff to feed the girls

    As an RVT, I'm very aware of the perils of overfeeding treats to cats and dogs and making them fat, and disturbing the natural balance of proper ingredients in any decent pet food. Yah da yah da yah da.... I just received a pound of meal worms from Tasty Worms in FL, and I've sprinkled a few...
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