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  1. eggsnbacon

    4 roosters in flock of 13. Will they continue to get along?

    That's what I thought, but I was trying to delude myself into thinking they will always be one big happy family. I appreciate your help. The buff orpington is the most relaxed friendly rooster. He's been my favorite from the get go. Alright I know what to do! Blunt is fine, I needed a...
  2. eggsnbacon

    4 roosters in flock of 13. Will they continue to get along?

    As new chicken owners we have made many mistakes. I should have read this WHOLE board before moving forward, but was a little hasty. With that said, we are the happy owners of 13 chickens, 4 of which are roosters (1 buff orphington and 3 white leghorns). They are 4 months old and all get...
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