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  1. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Oh, I am so sorry. I was so excited for you. Where di you buy he eggs from? I'd be contacting whomever you got them from and lodging a compliant. That's rubbish if they sold you unfertilised eggs. What are you going to do with your broody girl? Is she getting over it or are you going to...
  2. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Oh no! Well, it's not too late. Maybe they are just taking their time. I have heard of some hatches being a day or two (or even three) days late. Is it cold where you are? Sometimes that can delay hatching by a day as well. Have/did you candle the eggs at any point? Do they look...
  3. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    COME ON CHICKIES! - Krista
  4. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Is she behaving any differently? Often times, when a hatch is imminent, you will see the Momma Hen putting her head between her legs to look underneath herself. She will also coo quietly to the eggs, and refuse to get off the nest - for anything. You never know, there could be a baby...
  5. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    By Day 19 usually WE and the Momma Hen are well over waiting! I used to go and sit with my broody hen and talk to her for half an hour or so near the end. I could tell she was at the end of her rope, so I would just quietly reassure her, and say things like "Nearly there, Momma Not long to go...
  6. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    So excited for you! Good luck! - Krista
  7. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Yep, it's their instinct to want to lay where other birds have already laid. I think it's a matter of "Well, this must be a safe spot because they all laid here!" I have 7 laying hens at the moment and they all line up to use the same 2 nests. I'm not aware of any special rules about bantam...
  8. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Don't stress, she knows what she's doing! I had a girl who used to get up and leave the nest for an hour at a time. She would wander off across the paddock to see the rest of the flock until I would say to her "What are you doing here?!" Then she would quickly waddle on back to the nest! It...
  9. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Good luck! Keep us posted on her progress. - Krista
  10. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Correct. That's exactly what I did with my broody hen. I saved up eggs for several days, kept them cool, and turned them over gently twice each day. Of the eggs she hatched out, some were hers and some were from other birds in the flock. It doesn't matter whose eggs they sit on, as long...
  11. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Probably a good idea to have a backup, but don't stress too much. It's perfectly normal for her to get up off the nest to attend to her business of being a chicken. Usually they just eat, drink, poop and have a dust bath, and then they're back onto the nest again. - Krista
  12. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    I would personally do it at night, or at dusk is fine too. I usually give them 2 days on plastic eggs, and if they've proven that they are serious at that point (ie: They have not gotten off their nest for anything other than a brief feed, drink and poop) I exchange the eggs for real ones...
  13. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    I doubt it is bad for her, as long as she keeps up her nutritional intake with food and water. It is a bit sad though, isn't it? I have 5 hens, three of which went broody within weeks of each other. One died when her chick was 5 weeks old (crop problems) and the other two still have their...
  14. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    My pleasure
  15. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Hi again! Yes, a broody hen will still get up to eat, drink, poop and dust bathe as she needs to. However, don't be surprised if you never see her doing it. In order to protect their eggs, their instinct tells them to do this without being seen, so she may only get up each morning at dusk...
  16. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Yeah, I didn't know either until I read about it in one of my Chicken-Keeping Manuals. Apparently it's quite common, particularly in birds that free-range. They will set up a secret nest, and quietly go and lay in it every day until they have a full sized clutch. Once they've reached their...
  17. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    YAY FOR BABY CHICKIES! - Krista PS: Don't forget to take the ice pack out of the nest!!!
  18. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Oh, that's hilarious! Just when you think you've got one up on her, lol...... If it's any consolation my dear Broody hatched some chicks in the Winter. If she's a good Momma, she will tuck them all under her and keep them warm no matter how cold it gets outside. You'd be surprised how warm...
  19. krista74

    Broody Pullet...

    Quite often when they first go broody, they will keep laying until such time that they have what they consider to be a good sized clutch - usually 10 to 12 eggs. It could well be that she is still trying to gather more eggs underneath herself before setting seriously. - Krista
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