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  1. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    My chickens are wildly envious of yours right now. This is one of my Easter Eggers that decided she wanted to stretch her wings. I found her on huddled on top of the coop and covered in snow. Good thing the girls don't mind handling, since I had to climb up on the coop to rescue her.
  2. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    Last night we got down to -11 with a windchill of -30. I closed the pop door on the coop for the first time this winter, since that was a 25 degree swing from the previous night with a strong wind. The pop door has a wind break and is below the roosting bars, so I've left it open to let them...
  3. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    -30*C is pretty darn respectable! Even the family's place in Minnesota hasn't gotten that chilly yet. At -50* I'd expect losses no matter how hardy the breed or sturdy the construction. I'm impressed you can keep Leghorns at all. I'm fortunate to live somewhere pretty temperate compared to...
  4. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    I've placed an order for 30 Chantecler chicks from a local breeder, can't get much more cold hardy than a bird developed in Canada! Mostly it's for my sanity, I think I'll enjoy my chickens more if I'm not pacing during a Nor'easter and worrying about the birds. I adore by barred rock girls...
  5. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    I'm pretty confident with our ventilation. They hubby made our coops for a lot of flow specifically for the summer and we have no condensation or ammonia smell. They're also under stocked, with 4 girls in a 4'x8' and 4 girls and 1 boy in the big 8'x8'. Stocking will change next year, but...
  6. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    Mother Nature had decided to pull out all of the stops to make sure I know that SC would be a challenge. 18* as a high yesterday, today it's pouring freezing rain and gusting 35 mph. The Barred Rock girls are weathering it well, but pretty sure I saw some discoloration on a comb already. Just...
  7. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    I really, really wanted the dorking. I just keep looking at the pictures of the roosters and envisioning trying to keep those combs thorugh the winter. If I can get my hands on some white dorkings (rose comb), that will be different. Barring that, I think white chanteclers it will be. I've...
  8. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    After a lot of research, I'm going to bow to the fact that my setup isn't ideal. I've been pulling up the averages for my town. While the humidity is, on average, below 50% in the afternoon right through the winter, the relative humidity in the morning is often in the upper 60's while it's 12...
  9. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    I looked at the Dominiques, but since I'm looking mostly for meat, the bigger Dorking is a better fit. 9 lbs vs. 7 lbs for an adult rooster is a pretty notable difference.
  10. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    Good point on the ambient humidity. Fortunately I live at the top of a foothill, so we're pretty dry. Dry enough that I run a humidifier in winter to prevent nose bleeds, typically around 50% but dip down lower after a front pushes through. I'll actually have more concern in spring when...
  11. Catie79

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    I live in southern NH. Compared to the family home in MN, I consider this area mild. However, it's getting down to 10 degrees F this week and the average low in January is 9 degrees F with an average high of 30 degrees. Last winter we had snaps with below zero lows. Balmy compared to back...
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