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  1. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Does he have to give the q-peacock back?? I think he earned it -- and I can't wait for photos. There should have been a yellow card or something for delay of game
  2. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Oh my goodness, Kathy's holding off posting... hanging fire at 39,999 Sure hope there's not gonna be an explosion when that breaks loose... Is it too soon to start the poll for guessing when she is going to hit 100k?
  3. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Oh my goodness, q8 is getting a Q-pea for his kewpie prize What's the new phrase these days? Pics or it didn't happen or something like that? Send photos. Please!
  4. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Why look! It's Friday already... and she only has 15 to go q8, you may get the kewpie doll this time @casportpony could do that many in a day on her cell phone Edited to add -- (Heck, she knocked out two between the time I started this and got it posted. The number dial is spinning...
  5. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Is that an actual photomicrograph? Or a drawing? And is it what I think it is?
  6. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Yep, even on the iPad, she's gonna burn thru the last 90 before Sunday. Unless her internet goes out, or she gets good poop to play with...
  7. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Okay, I'm gonna guess Easter Sunday, at her current rate.
  8. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    I can't believe Spring is officially here... did diggy-dirts in the backyard yesterday and found a whole new use for chicken wire -- stapled it over the raised beds -- really hacked off the dogs when they couldn't climb in and destroy the new plantings @casportpony , you're slacking off...
  9. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Used to know a guy named Danny who swore he was a teenager before he realized his first name wasn't "Dammit!" He thought "Danny" was his middle name... Kathy only has 179 posts to go, give or take the ones she's probably composing right now
  10. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    @KsKingBee , when does @casportpony hit 40k posts? Is there a cake almost ready? Maybe we could use one candle for every 10,000 posts. I once let the kids put a candle on their dad's birthday cake for every year and the darned thing caught fire Cheers!
  11. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Well she's chipping away at it.... still waiting for those necropsy photos, haven't heard an update on her other babies lately, waiting for photos of her pea-wrestling the wild boy, and I'm sure somebody has some sick bird somewhere... and it's the weekend. A little "effort" here and she could...
  12. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    How's that?
  13. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    I'm sad you lost him but glad you were able to figure out cause of death. How are the other three doing?
  14. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    It's a pain in the patootie. Some days in winter it gets up to 55 or 65 or even 70 degrees in the daytime, and then goes down to 15 or 20 degrees at night. It's a killer climate for fruit trees. Other times, it may stay in teens all day. Sometimes gets down to zero or below, winds can be 70...
  15. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Oh yeah, and when you go visit Zaz & MinxFox, they can get you all up to speed on the fire ant education... even more fun than bee stings.
  16. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    We come across them in January and February here... one warm afternoon and there they are. When the peach trees get suckered into blooming in February, the bees are right there with them. Then the bees go back to wherever the bees go while all the peach blossoms get frozen and blasted off the...
  17. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Oh Kathy, I'm so sorry!
  18. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Could they have been stung by bees or bitten by fire ants?
  19. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Wait, I SAW that Fox-loving pea watching TV through the window. You mean you didn't switch yet? Won't he be upset with you? The poor Pea could be going through withdrawals right now...
  20. Garden Peas

    My Prediction

    Under your name, at the lower left side of the screen, it says "posts" -- that is the cumulative number of all the posts you ever put up on BYC. For some reason (long winter nights? no streaming of movies in KS?), @KsKingBee likes watching the post count. We need to take up a collection...
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