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  1. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    Wow the price really went up on this shed.
  2. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    What i would have liked to do was make a big coop in the barn.But unfortunately it hasn't been up kept since 1988 when the original owner died. I've only owned the property for 2 years.Next year i have some Amish guys coming to tear it down...
  3. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    I hear y'all .In the long run for $600 + it is better just to build something better,something with a taller ceiling so you don't always bump your head.The other big thing is that there is nothing to mount stuff to without doing some engineering .What i don't understand is if it is 80% humidity...
  4. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    Yes,i have to get a 6'' to a 4'' connector.The big culprit is the frost.Pics were taken at 8 am,28 degrees
  5. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north
  6. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    There is also these vents that hang off the roof
  7. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    Is my in-line duct fan the same as a exhaust fan?
  8. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    If you live in an area that is not windy you might get away with cutting that many windows in it.My house is in the circle in the middle on 2.5 acres i have 0 wind protection. Facing west Facing north, unfortunately the barn isn't usable Facing east With nearly 900 commercial wind turbines...
  9. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    Thanks, come spring i'm going to build a coop out of wood that you can easily add widows and add proper ventilation. Shed $300 Structure to support the shed $100 Styrofoam $30 Luan $78 $508 For $508 you can build something something better. But i can say after i wiped all the condensation off...
  10. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    I completely sweep out the coop every 2-3 days depending on the weather.
  11. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    THIS IS WHY I POSTED THIS>SO WHEN PEOPLE WANT TO BUY A PRE_FAB SHED THIS IS WHAT YOU"RE GOING TO DEAL WITH. This was the only time i've seen it do that. As you can see in the pic there is no internal framing other than that bar in the middle.And no the heat lamp is not in there,never got used...
  12. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    That is why i don't recommend these there is now way you can cut 15 feet of openings is the sides of these,without compromising the integrity of the strength of it.These don't have any internal bracing.The whole shed works together as a whole.
  13. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    15 birds- 2 3x9 vents 4" dryer vent. And the side roof vents and a ridge vent.Another reason i don't recommend this,it is to hard to vent.Come spring i wont be using this anymore.
  14. M

    Why not to use a metal shed in the north

    It was not my first choice or executive decision to use a metal shed, this is one reason why.
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