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  1. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    I know it'll take time for him to adjust, but so far we're not having much luck...he thinks of it as competition and has been beating the snot out of it all day. The toy itself is licensed by Duck Dynasty, so I consider it subconscious retribution for the slaughtering of his people! :p
  2. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Okay, we got him a nice, sturdy duck-shaped dog toy. Only time will tell if he'll take the bait or not.
  3. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Well, MAYBE if their mating behavior didn't look so much like a painful coughing fit I wouldn't have to worry so much! They sure didn't teach us this stuff in the vet clinic
  4. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    No, but it was a blessing in disguise, at the very least. You guys were right, it IS mating behavior...just an hour ago Wobs began bobbing his head at me, then began biting my foot and tapping his feet like he was....well, you know. So I'm still glad we took him in since he had that latent URI...
  5. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Just came back from the vet, we did a sinus flush and a culture. Turns out a LOT of nasty gunk got flushed out, so the vet suspects he's had a relapse of the sinus infection he had when he was younger. Hopefully the results will come back soon!
  6. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    But....but I'm the mama, not the mate! Man...I dunno how I'm gonna deal with this until my other duckling gets old enough 5-6 months from now. And that's IF it's a female (fingers crossed!)
  7. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Well, great...that's just great. He also does the head down running in circles thing, but he also did that when he was in pain from his bill injury two months back so we weren't sure. You know, I never dealt with this when I raised chickens! When they were feeling romantic all they did was...
  8. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    FINALLY got video! It was shot on my game boy camera so it's pretty bad quality, but it's all I had within reach. Here it is:
  9. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    That's my worry...that I'll become the Olive Oyl to their Popeye and Brutus.
  10. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    All I can say is I hope with all my heart this new duckling is a girl...otherwise I'm in for a world of trouble.
  11. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Do they jerk their heads forward in a thrusting motion, or do they just sort of hold their necks out when they do it? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it before Thursday when we have out vet appointment. It'd be nice to save the vet bills if this is just...
  12. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Do you have a video of it?
  13. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    Okay, I wasn't able to get a video of it, but I DID get audio. It's a shrill sneeze followed by a low hum, almost like air is being compressed and then gasped back into his air sacs. You can also hear his feathers ruffling because he's always fluffed when he goes into these fits...
  14. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    I'm not sure...I've seen a mallard drake "mating dance" and this isn't it. He stands on his toes and his neck is kept straight, thrust downward towards the ground, not curved back into his neck and chest like your typical mating behavior. It's also just the one, sharp sound, there's no other...
  15. Amykins

    Strange behavior...kinda worried

    We're tight on money thanks to some health issues, so a vet visit isn't in the cards until this Thursday. But Wobbles has begun to make rather alarming high-pitched sounds. He'll sporadically hunch, throw his head sharply downward and go "SQUEEK" like he's trying to dislodge something or it's...
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