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  1. justplainbatty

    New but looking to learn

    x2 Haha, mdzw, watch out for chicken math!!! Before you know it, you'll have a dozen birds!
  2. justplainbatty

    New but looking to learn

    Any Orpington is lovely no matter the color. Yes, the more you handle them as chicks, the friendlier they will be. Introducing new birds to a flock always upsets the pecking order but, if they have been getting to know one another through the fence-*see each other but not touch each other* - for...
  3. justplainbatty

    New but looking to learn

    Welcome to BYC! If you plan to increase flock size, build a coop with enough floor space for the number of birds you intend to end up with. You need a minimum of 4 square feet per bird inside the coop. You also need roosting space for each (they should not and do not sleep in nesting boxes...
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