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  1. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Well folks a quick update before I get caught at work but while it's on my mind. Her other leg fell off at the swollen part. She's having a hard time adjusting, but I think she'll get the hang of it. It's just sad because she's not moving around as much now, mostly because of it probably feeling...
  2. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    No the grass is not long. It is barely even popping out of the ground. I haven't been giving her grit because while living in the basement, she's only got pellets and eggs. While outside, I saw her gobble up a few little pebbles though.
  3. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    It was a beautiful day yesterday - it got up to 70 degrees! That is 100 degrees warmer than it was barely over a month ago! Gotta love Michigan! Anyways, about yesterday: I let her outside, in the front yard, so she wouldn't be bothered with the other chickens. I ended up putting a little...
  4. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Hi all. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Been crazy busy lately, with tax AND garden season coming all at one time! Ugh! Well, with each passing day, I'm more and more convinced that she will lose the other foot, and part of the leg all the way up until the swelling. I've kept it dry as...
  5. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    I just bought a packet of the oxytetracyline from TSC. I will use that and see what happens. Unfortunately, I don't have $100 minimum to spend on chicken vet bills, when I have so many medical bills myself. There is only one chicken vet around here that I can find, and the one time I did take a...
  6. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Here she is tonight. Still happy as ever. Really stumbly, though, so she usually decides to lay down when she's eating and drinking. She just got her last shot.
  7. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    I was thinking she might keep the pad, but lose all the toes. You think she'll lose the pad, too?
  8. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    The intact foot? What brought you to that conclusion? I'm just wondering because I don't exactly know what I'm looking for. Thank you.
  9. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    It finally happened: the foot fell off last night. Despite losing a whole appendage, the would site looks good. I went down to clean her tub again because she managed to spill her whole waterer over, leaving her in a puddle for a while :/ I gave her an epsom bath, then blow dried her, gave...
  10. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    I knew that about antibiotics but the problem is I'm not sure how long this is supposed to go. I've seen 4 -6 days on here, and the bottle days don't use more than 7 days. Should I go 7 days then? Update: the dead foot is coming loose. Yuck! Still can't tell if the other foot is going to be...
  11. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    So here is a short update. Last night was penicillin shot #4. She seems to trying to move around a lot more. Still clumsy because she's got a useless, lifeless foot that she isn't used to, but I can see an improvement in her mobility. She still knocks over her food dish every time I set it in...
  12. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Thank you!! :D About the feet. I only think she will lose the whole left foot and partial toes on the other foot because they are crispy and lifeless. The black foot won't bend at all, and the other toes will only bend about halfway up.
  13. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Also, is she going to start acting any worse because of the shots? I've read a few threads on here that say they get really lethargic and sleepy after starting penicillin.
  14. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Yeah. Here are the pictures of everything a few minutes ago. This is her right leg. I think she may keep almost half of each toe. But her hock is pretty swollen, Not really squishy, either. This was the foot that was curled under. I think it is all pretty much dead until it turns...
  15. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Also, a little update: Her legs keep getting a little more swollen every day. Today, since it was sunny out, and not too chilly or windy, I took her outside just so she could hear and see her friends. That ended when they started fighting (should have expected that, being that she's fallen out...
  16. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    I just gave her the first shot of penicillin. Definitely not an enjoyable feeling. I felt like I was doing to wrong because her muscle kept twitching when was pushing the injection in. And there was a tiny bit that got in-between the muscle and the thin skin (I could see it). There was no blood...
  17. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    If I buy the vile of penicillin that Tractor Supply has, then use a syringe and needle, would that be considered an internal antibiotic? Or are you referring to her ingesting it? Also, There were two types of penicillin there. I don't remember the difference now because it's been a couple weeks...
  18. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    So these pictures are from last night (sorry my boyfriend isn't a great photographer but didn't want to hold her). I've been putting castor oil on every few days. This swelling on the hocks has been getting bigger. I have no idea why because it still seems to be alive below that point on the...
  19. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    Also, on the curled foot, I can see it's swollen on the top part of the pad area like it has been for a while now, though it's gone down, and is warm to the touch. It is even a little bit down her toes. Hopefully that's a sign that it is still alive?
  20. lauranickerson

    Frostbite on both legs! Help!

    I will see what Tractor Supply has tomorrow. Tonight's update: I fed her and gave her water and she ate and drank like normal again. She makes her normal cooing noises. Poos are normal looking. I picked her up to rub the castor oil and I see that two of her three toes are now straightened...
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