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  1. Michael OShay

    Rhode Island Red? Gender?

    The problem with it being a Production Red is that there is no way to know for sure what breeds are in it. Obviously they are predominantly red gene breeds, but the off red lacing that it appears to have makes me think that there is something else in it as well (which is often the case with...
  2. Michael OShay

    Rhode Island Red? Gender?

    I think part of the problem here is that people are judging this bird as though it was a RIR. It's not a pure blood RIR as it lacks the deep body and uniform dark mahogany color of a true RIR (its feathers even appear to have some off color red lacing in them). As I stated in my earlier post...
  3. Michael OShay

    Rhode Island Red? Gender?

    I'm leaning toward rooster because it appears to me in the top pictures that it is beginning to develop the longer, pointed saddle feathers of a rooster, but then I'll be the first to admit that my eyes aren't as good as they used to be, and I might think I'm seeing what is not really there. If...
  4. Michael OShay

    Rhode Island Red? Gender?

    Sorry I forgot you asked about breed. It's a Production Red rooster.
  5. Michael OShay

    Rhode Island Red? Gender?

    It's a rooster. Sorry. :o(
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