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  1. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    Update: I set 30 eggs but 5 weren't fertile. 25 went into lockdown, and I have 21 chicks now! 84% hatch rate for my first time doing chicken eggs, with incubating in a still-air... I'm going to call it a success.
  2. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    2 hatched out on day 19 (today!) and I have 9 more with pips. They are early birds. Literally. LOL
  3. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    Exciting times!! Another thing to consider with humidity during hatch, is that once the eggs start to hatch or get external pips, the moisture from inside the eggs start to raise the overall humidity of the incubator. So it's a lot easier to get back to a nice humid bator once they begin...
  4. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    Candled tonight. 30 eggs set. 2 with blood ring and 3 clear. 25 have moving embryos!
  5. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    Candled last night (Day 6) and see moving embryos! Such an exciting big step. I can't believe in two weeks I'll be setting up a brooder again... it goes by fast.
  6. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    I'm a little behind everyone and set on Monday.... but I candled several last night and it looks like my hatching eggs all have veining! I have 30 of them. I also have 3 barnyard mixes in there from my parent's chickens, but it looks like they aren't developing. They've had doubts about their...
  7. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    I have to say..... 3 days into this incubation with chicken eggs and I'm so excited! My last hatch was for Muscovy duck eggs and they take 35 days. THIRTY FIVE DAYS! I only have 18 more days to wait for chicks, and that feels like a walk in the park. LOL
  8. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    I found a cracked egg in the ones that I'd set yesterday!! I pulled it and checked on it. It started to grow even though it was cracked, so I had to take a picture. Pretty cool to see after one day how it was progressing!
  9. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    Just got them set! 16 Black Austrolorp and 15 Naked Necks, with 3 barnyard mixes thrown in for fun. :)
  10. danotoyou2

    Anybody setting eggs this weekend? (4-25-15)

    I'm setting a dozen black austrolorp and a dozen naked necks tomorrow :)
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