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  1. Acre of Blessings


    Quote: I really try to take the best of care for all my animals And K0xxx~~they sure are full of spunk. I can't even tell which 2 were the ones I helped.
  2. Acre of Blessings


    I went out, about an hour ago, to check on the 2 little meaties that had gotton really wet and cold and what to my wondering eyes empty shoebox and cheeping everywhere. I am so happy that they are O.K. I can't even tell which two were in the box. I am so...
  3. Acre of Blessings


    Quote: I sure hope you and all the others are right. I am gonna check them in a few hours since it is getting late. I don't want to disturb them, in the way of uncovering them and making them cold again.
  4. Acre of Blessings


    It just started raining harder here. Good thing I got done when I did. I all my chickens, whether they are for eggs or for eating, I still them.
  5. Acre of Blessings


    One of the really wet ones is the one in the post where I have them on the scale. He's the one that weighed 15+ ounces yesterday. They were shivering so bad and the smaller one couldn't even stand, it was like he was freezing. I feel so bad, I know these birds will be for food for our...
  6. Acre of Blessings


    I won't give up unless they die. I can't bring them in the house due to the really stinking stage so I left them in the box, wrapped in the shirt, under the lamp. Do you all think this might help them? Or should I bring them in?
  7. Acre of Blessings


    I went outside about 30 minutes ago, when hubby came home, and I looked and 3 of my meaties were outside their brooder. It has been cold and rainy all day and as soon as I noticed them I rushed down to get them inside. Unfortunately, I may have been to late. They were so cold and shivering, they...
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