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  1. Goober9

    Help! White Spider Mites??

    Hello, I wanted to give you an update. I did exactly what you said and they mites DEF came from the feed bag. After washing everything, I dusted my feeder and feed with some DE and that's kept the mites off the feeder. But, for example, if I leave a glass bowl on the ground of the coop, the bowl...
  2. Goober9

    Help! White Spider Mites??

    Grain mites, wow, I've never heard of this type of mite. It looks really similar. Have you had any experience with grain mites before? Any luck with treatment? Are they harmful to my ladies or will "nature" take care of them eventually? Thanks!
  3. Goober9

    Help! White Spider Mites??

    Hiya, They are def a bug of some sort and not corrosion. They are all over the plastic water container too and I can see them moving around slowly. GROSS!! Any advice? -Auditi
  4. Goober9

    Help! White Spider Mites??

    Hello BYC Community! I went out to my coop today to re-fill the ladies's food bin and noticed it was COVERED with what looked like little white spider mites. I took some pics, but my camera's not that great. Are these little mites dangerous for my lovely ladies? Any advice on what I can do to...
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