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  1. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    I found one of my hens in the brush. She was wounded but I did some doctoring. It took a while and she's still limping but she's going to make it
  2. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    S . I have a little hobby farm, about 20 acres. My first home is Lowes, second is the farm store,and third is with my wife. If she knew how much I spent on my "hobby"' she'd flip. (I think she knows but doesn't say anything). My daughters family is in San Diego.
  3. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    Second one that I've seen anyway! I have him separated and he's still strutting. I think I might be crazy. I ordered a dozen Naragansett poults last night. Couldn't resist. LOL. My feed bill is going to triple.
  4. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    Thanks, I'm pretty bummed. I'll pick up 10 RB poults from a local hatchery "Country Hatchery" in mid June. They've done well for me and only about 30 miles away.
  5. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    and I lost my last 2 RB hens to Bobcats today. They were to heave for a raptor to take. No more free ranging for awhile!
  6. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    Okie got really beaten up today. Guess I'll have to make a separate place for him. P
  7. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    "Okie" got jumped by the two RB toms yesterday. He was getting beat up pretty good but before I could get out there he ran between their legs and escaped none the worse for wear!
  8. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    Hilarious! The geese are my daughters and terrorize everything but the Jersey Giant "Okie" Bigalow, Chicken Gigalo rooster and he can move faster than they can.
  9. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    the reason I keep the geese (I'm not fond of them,they're my daughters LoL) is that they watch so well
  10. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    Oops Wrong avatar. That's one of the RB gobbs , obviously! His tail feathers look pretty ragged, the geese pull them every time he gets close.
  11. Ironsights

    Look at the state of that box! (shipped eggs)

    I got a box yesterday. Didn't quite look as bad as that one but I was shocked when not one of the 6 was not broken. I'm letting them settle and then will candle to just see if there's any chance of hatching. I have 3 Naragansett hens, predators got the gobbs last year. I had 4red bourbon hens...
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