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  1. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I may have given up too soon on it. Fortunately this is why I always opt to leave things incubating a bit longer just in case! I don't want to jinx it, but the veining doesn't look any worse this morning and I think I saw a little movement :fl :fl :fl I believe they're due to hatch on Tuesday...
  2. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    She does look similar! Ganymede is a Silkie x EE mix, not sure if you know what your girl's mix is? As for her sweet face, it depends on the angle. She has a pretty mean mug when you look at her just right 😅 And she used to have a temperament to match! Thankfully, she's chilled out a bit...
  3. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    In other news, ugh, I'm rather sad. I think that that last Judy egg has given up the ghost. 🙁 I'd mentioned that it was under Inara and she'd abandoned it a while back to sit on the eggs in the laying box. After that, I'd moved it under the other broody, Morena, but the two of them have been...
  4. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Day 5 picture of the day, we're giving it to good old Rangi. I tried to get a picture of her snug against me, but the camera would not focus on her no matter what I did, so I stood up and grabbed this shot. She then stood here like this for around 20 minutes, just waiting on me to sit back down...
  5. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Some of mine do that as well! 🤣 A lot of them will sit either next to me or on my lap any chance they get, though. 🥰 And some just want to come up behind me and jab at my back repeatedly while I'm sitting out there. :rant
  6. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Day 4 picture of the day was kind of a tough pick! But I think that this one's the winner: Vega with her OEGB trademark bitty banty eyes in full use! Don't look too closely at this one or you'll be hypnotized into giving in to her every whim! 🤭 Our runners up are a picture of gorgeous Freia...
  7. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    The naked neck gene N is an incompletely dominant gene. That means that if a chicken has one copy of the gene, N/n+, they have a partial expression of it, and with two copies, N/N, they have a full expression of the trait. The most apparent difference between heterozygous N/n+ and homozygous N/N...
  8. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    She is for the moment. I'd have loved to have hatched more with her, but those were the eggs that were packed so that they were lying on their sides instead of air cell up, so most of them were destroyed by shipping as a result. :rant I do intend to hatch her eggs eventually to add more of the...
  9. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Day three picture of the day is, err, Gwenyth showing off her stealth skills. It may be hard to believe, but there really is a chicken hidden in this photo... 🤭 Only one runner up because my phone was almost dead this morning. Flury has been a pure Splash Cochin her whole life with nothing...
  10. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh, she definitely is. Every day, she's out there awk-awk-awking at me in her deep Orp voice. :rolleyes: 🤭 :hugs Glad to hear one of the OEGBs has gotten to its feet! Fingers crossed for the last one! :fl That sounds like an OEGB to me! When Vega and her late sister, Altair, were...
  11. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I'm glad y'all are on board with the daily picture idea! I actually was kind of excited to go out and see what today's picture of the day would end up being! 😊 Anyway, here is day two's picture of the day. Every morning, I have to wade through a pile of chickens to get to that door to their...
  12. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Haha, all great names! I've had a Poppy in the past as well 😁 You know what else, this just kind of hit me. When I finished coming up with names for last year's hatches a month or two ago, I named one of the girls in Wyatt's flock Maisie and it took me until just now to connect why that name...
  13. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Speaking of said friend, she and my other friend and I had a nice, long chat this past weekend, long overdue as we hadn't been able to catch up in a long time, and they sort of reminded me of how much passion I had had for my birds when we first met... and how much I've kind of lost over the...
  14. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Fingers crossed for broodies breaking! :fl Vivienne is back in the broody buster as well today :tongue 😍 How are the ones with issues faring at this point? :fl I believe White in OEGBs is by the recessive white gene, so maybe it floats around in other varieties like it does with some other...
  15. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    As long as he has options to eat and drink, he should be okay while you figure things out. :fl I wouldn't know how to approach that, either, and like you I'd almost have to have someone else either help or hire someone to just do it themselves. These birds can really drive you crazy with their...
  16. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Delphine's littles! :love They were not pleased with me 🤭 And a terrible shot of them with their mama because the fence I used for them is hard to take pictures through. They're so small!! 😍 And a bit of an update on Opal and her little ones, or not so little relative to Delphine's babes...
  17. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Fingers crossed she's been staying where she belongs :fl Naughty girl! Sounds like she's going to be quite the hand full! On the baby pictures, sorry for the delay on those--busy few days! I'll get those posted ASAP. They're cute little bitties and sooo small! 🥰 Ugh, hope you and your birds...
  18. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Tuesday afternoon, I went out to check on the birds because a few were making a fuss and I always try to check just in case. Everyone was fine, of course, but I did notice while I was out there that Sumi was wandering around on her own. This is unusual because Sumi and Vega are usually pretty...
  19. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Good idea, I'll have to look into that! I'm pretty sure that the same goes for us, must be processed on-site and labeled just so or processed by an approved processor. The one I use for my extras does a good job, but they don't process for resale / don't have all the labeling for it, etc...
  20. pipdzipdnreadytogo

    Pipd's Peeps!

    No joke!! :th It looked good still this morning. :fl I'll peek in a bit when I go out to close coops. I do at least have the one pullet for sure out of her, but it would be so nice to have another! It's getting to that point for me as well. The processor I take my birds from does not label...
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