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  1. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    I let the big girls out to dig in the dirt today. They are the two Delaware Reds (about 6 months) looking at the little girls I put in their coop. I put the 7 little girls (1 month olds) in the tractor for the day and they had a swell time running in all that space. The white Silkie needs a...
  2. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Chickenannie, Are those Buff Orphington's in your avatar? I have one buff and one black Ophington month olds. From what I have read, riboflavin deficiency (B2) causes irreversible nerve damage at some point. You might offer him some vitamin laced water and hope he improves if this is the cause...
  3. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Yes Cimarron, Phylis does sound like she had a genetic code dysfunction from birth. My father had a BS degree in poultry husbandry from Texas A&M which I never really understood. Besides his mother and father raising poultry to eat during the depression and afterward, I do not think he ever...
  4. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    It takes awhile to fix them with vitamin solution (about 7 days) and you have to catch it early otherwise the condition is permanent. Evidently if the breeders do not give a good diet, then the egg that supplies the chick's nutrition before hatching is deficient and they develop poorly after...
  5. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Great news, Cimarron! And my big girl, black sex-linked, Bella, is now totally normal from being a paraplegic, curly toed, spastic. Amazing what some vitamins can do for a chick... huh?
  6. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Tootsie, What a lovely story of your handicapped pullet. Such a good and loving mom you are!
  7. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Cimarron, Posted my update before I saw your last post. As far as the poop question, if the vitamin solution is a little too potent they can get diarrhea. I just add a bit more water to her water with vitamins until her poop is normal again. I think you are on to the right track with Belinda...
  8. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Yep, you are probably right about those "wobblies". My little big lil pullet seems fine now after about 1 week of vitamin dosing. She is not yet one month old (BD 10/9), and from the way she was acting spastic with curly toes and all, I thought she was surely a goner. She is fine now -- a...
  9. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    "hmmm, i wonder about the protein...i have them on the medicated chick starter that i got here in austin at callahan's, which i think is standardized amounts of nutrients. " Yes, I also got my chick starter at Callahan's in Austin also. The pullet I was worried about also got very large for her...
  10. SharonX

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    "she has been bigger from the start and she staggers drunkenly. her walking has gotten more unsteady as she grows. she does not hold herself up when i handle her, she feels different, like she has poor muscle tone compared to the others. she eats and drinks fine and gets around with her...
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