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  1. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    From what you describe it sounds like Phyllis is congenitally different. It sounds like she is sweet, and that you are making her comfortable.
  2. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Yeah!!! Glad to hear that Bella bounced back too. I got the chicks some nutritional yeast too, and will add that to their feed for the extra B vitamins and minerals while they're growing. Dang that prepared feed...I don't eat prepared food because of the compromised nutrients, I feel silly...
  3. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    Belinda Update: Well three days into the vitamins, she seems to be out of the woods. She's still on the big side for her age and a little "off" but she is grooming, eating (a lot) and drinking fine. and best of all she is walking around and holding herself up more and brightening up more...
  4. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    it might be too soon to tell but i swear Belinda seems a bit steadier already after getting those vitamins in her. thanks again for the tip! i will continue dosing her about 2 eye droppers full, every hour or so. i also saw her poop a normal one. maybe the nasty stuff i saw was the bile-y...
  5. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    sharon, the riboflavin-deficiency links were very helpful, thank you. i have been giving belinda the vita-flight in a dropper. i mixed what seemed to be a day's dose in a 1 oz bottle and give it about 1 or 2 droppers at a time and will give every hour or so today...not exact science. i also...
  6. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    hmmm, i wonder about the protein...i have them on the medicated chick starter that i got here in austin at callahan's, which i think is standardized amounts of nutrients. i am going to go on a hunch that this is a physical defect/hobble from her growth spurt and treat it like spraddle...
  7. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    pebbles, yes it was your post about guineas that got me to post about my ameraucana! are you thinking to try the vitimins? K, she doesn't have tremors, but she tends to move backwards using her wings if she is alarmed. she gets around by staggering, otherwise. i did some more research on...
  8. cimarron

    drunken walk, extra big ameraucana chick--cause?

    hi all, this is my first post! i would love some feedback about belinda, one of my ameraucana chicks. my new chicks are about 4 weeks old, got them as day-olds. of the six chicks, five are robust and have been perching easily. one of the americaunas though is giving me some concern. she...
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