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  1. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    I would think crumble would move easier in tight space because of its size, but maybe there's a weird physics thing there I'm not seeing. At any rate without looking at your actual setup in person I'm kind of at an impasse, if the setup is installed right it should work, but again that angle...
  2. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Here's another And another You can't really do those ones wrong, they operation so simply. I could also show you photos of the...
  3. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging That's not my working one, but that's a working one, mine works just the same, in fact that was the one I copied to make mine, however as I've said I did so because of others suggestions that corners and...
  4. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Meanwhile is it possible your piping is too small width wise, I know it sounds stupid but I was also warned to use wide pipes as pellets can get lodged at corners occasionally, although a simple shake is supposed to fix it, it isn't supposed to be a persistent problem.
  5. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Sorry my phone didn't load the photo, and look I've never done one of those but I've heard that tilting it very slightly towards the end helps the feed drain through.
  6. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Dude seriously? That's crazy I paid 10 for 8 feet of pipe, my corners and connectors were around a dollar and my end caps were like 25 cents... And I'm in Australia, meaning your dollar is worth more of mine. Meanwhile you only need silicone if your making a drinker and is your piping an L...
  7. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Or are you trying one of those multi pipe monstrosities? As I've said from what I've read people often have trouble which angle changes and funnel pipes, gravity only works so well.
  8. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    When my six chicks are fully grown I'll probably install a second however currently four can eat from it at once, I expect that will drop to two as they grow though. Meanwhile where are you getting your pvc, the total cost for both my feeder and drinker with all the attachments and end caps and...
  9. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    The one I had setup is installed and hard to photograph fully, the one photographed is my water one which still needs the end cap installed and the cups put on but they are the same design. Simple fish hooks, feed fills to about an inch off the top of the opening, which even my little chicks can...
  10. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Of mine or the problem step ups?
  11. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    I know problems with U and L shapes are common as gravity only pulls the feed down not across, but I heard minor tilting fixed that. Personally my feeder is hooked shaped... Never had a problem. I've also her of problems with funnelling into smaller pipes...
  12. Zeil

    Auto pvc gravity feeder clogging

    Have you tried putting it at a slight angle?
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