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  1. Alexandra33

    Black Sumatra Roo?

    You're lucky to have him, then! I, too, hope that he's not aggressive. I'm in a similar situation, because 3 of my newest chicks are looking a lot like roosters, and we might possibly end up keeping the most even-tempered of the bunch (although they are all untamable and wild at the moment). If...
  2. Alexandra33

    Black Sumatra Roo?

    If he does indeed to turn out to be a roo, he will be stunning.
  3. Alexandra33

    Black Sumatra Roo?

    Yes, you definitely have a Black Sumatra on your hands. How old is he/she? That information would help a little. This is our 14 week old Black Sumatra pullet for comparison and reference. -Alexandra33
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