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  1. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    Sounds like a sweetheart. :love Enjoy her! The one that reminded us of a Black Sex Link. :) ~Alex
  2. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    Sorry for skimming over this. Oddly enough, none of these breeds match up with your pretty girl. :) ~Alex
  3. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    Josephina is an adorable Golden Laced Wyandotte. :love ~Alex
  4. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    She almost reminds one of a Black Sex Link, but yet, could also be mixed (though BSLs are technically hybrids). :) Do you have a list of available breeds from the seller? ~Alex
  5. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    You're more than welcome! :) Well, it's hard to say....certainly not well-acquainted with genetics by any means. :lol: Taking the nature of Easter Eggers into consideration, I'd be tempted to think the possibility of same parents is conceivable. EEs are known for their unending, and...
  6. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    Forgot to address gender - at 10 weeks, I'm not spotting any features that are blatantly cockerel so far. :) No red wing bars, or even obvious comb development. This is a representation of how most of my EE cockerels looked at around 10-11 weeks (note the other in the back, as well): Ah, okay...
  7. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    They're stunning, but I'm not seeing any true Ameraucanas in the bunch. :love All are pretty Easter Eggers. Does the seller offer Olive Eggers, then? :) ~Alex
  8. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    I suppose that since hatcheries usually go for specific crosses to create Olive Eggers, it would be a good time to ask whether (s)he is hatched out of a backyard flock, or came from a hatchery. :) ~Alex
  9. Alexandra33

    Is this an Ameraucana, EE, or Olive Egger? Male or Female?

    How old, so we can guess gender more accurately? :) Leaning towards beautiful little EE. It's definitely not a true Ameraucana. ~Alex
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