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  1. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    Ok, yes. I don't know what MMcM hatchery but according to the they are from ameraucanas but they definitely don't look like purebred ameraucanas. but I have no idea what they're doing with their birds. Maybe you could get on a chat with someone that works there.
  2. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    "Pure ameraucanas" are the colors that are standardized.
  3. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    I know! A lot of hatcheries do that! It's so annoying.
  4. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    Ok! No, those they have a separate flock of BBS ameraucanas so they would be purebred. Here's a link to those ameraucanas:
  5. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    Sorry, but they do. They have purebred ameraucanas in their mixed ameraucana flock and their offspring are more than likely EEs. Trust me My profile name is @AmeraucanaHank!
  6. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    I would say Easter Egger then.
  7. AmeraucanaHank

    Mystery Chick Breed Help Please!!

    Maybe an Easter Egger. What hatchery?
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