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  1. AuntJemima

    Bird is sick for the third time in less than a year

    Just a follow-up on this thread for those that use any of these type of search terms looking for answers about lethargic sick chickens. After the winter thaw in May, I started letting her outside for an hour or so at a time. She really never recovered fully and the other birds would eventually...
  2. AuntJemima

    Bird is sick for the third time in less than a year

    Looks like Jemima is going to live a little longer just not sure how long. The antibiotics don't appear to have done anything as she continues to act about the same. She eats, drinks and poop, but continues to struggle with a pale comb and solid abdomen while sitting much of the day. She is...
  3. AuntJemima

    Bird is sick for the third time in less than a year

    I have never dewormed the whole flock, but I did deworm Jemima the last time she was sick over Christmas and that seemed to get her perked up again. It is -19F this morning and still got an egg from a red star, likely will get another later this morning. They don't seem to care if it is -20 or...
  4. AuntJemima

    Bird is sick for the third time in less than a year

    How do you know if/when it is time to put them out of their misery? Hate to let her suffer, but want to give her enough time to verify it’s not something else.
  5. AuntJemima

    Bird is sick for the third time in less than a year

    Thanks for the note. I ordered it. Will cross our fingers it can make an impact and is not too late. After some further inspection and a bath soak today, her breast bone is protruding and raw looking. She also gets very wobbly and doesn't like when I push on her lower stomach. After reading...
  6. AuntJemima

    Bird is sick for the third time in less than a year

    We have a five bird 20-month-old flock. Two red stars, a green queen EE, blue EE and a white leghorn. We live in the frozen north of MN. The birds are free-range neighborhood chickens all day long every day unless it is sub-zero then we leave them in the 3x10 coop run. In the winter they...
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