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  1. BYC-user-174785

    Was given 2 Peacocks today, a Bronze BS and Seipel BS Take a look.

    Well the roosts do not necessarily have to be that high, but keep in mind that you would want perches so that the trains will not be touching the ground when a peacock perches. Mine handle the NY winters just fine in a setup that is similar to yours. My green peafowl are kept in heated areas...
  2. BYC-user-174785

    Was given 2 Peacocks today, a Bronze BS and Seipel BS Take a look.

    The Bronze BS looks like a yearling. The blackshoulder is probably 2 or 3 years old. You are so lucky to have them! And they are so beautiful... I am still looking for any bronze birds and can't find any. So could you send me a PM of this person's contact information? I am interested in his...
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