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  1. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    Now...not trying to be smart alecky or anything, but I can't imagine roos having a personal view, nor could I possibly see myself finding a way to determine just what his personal view might be. I've not known too many roos that show just what their personal view would be....they eat, they...
  2. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    Now..when you all are petting these roos "in front of everyone", is that an attempt to embarass him in front of his peers? Aren't you worried about how that will affect his self-esteem and his chances of successful mating in the future? How cruel. I'd just swing him by his feet and...
  3. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    Quote: Was this the one you cuffed or did I miss another approach? Because of my limited experience I wonder how large is too large? No, my old RIR had to be cuffed once when I took a hen off the roost next to him and he pecked me...I know he wasn't thinking, he was just reacting, because it...
  4. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    I've only had one~a bird that had been given to me at the age of 6 mo. ....I changed his mind in approx. 5 min. time. No more problems. Later we ate him as he was too large and too rough on the hens, but I had had no more aggression from him after his retraining session.
  5. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    Sorry....couldn't help myself, had to chuckle on that one. No disrespect, but bringing an aggressive rooster treats most likely won't convince him you are neither roo or a threat. If it were that simple, thousands of people on this forum who have petted, treated, carried and coddled their roos...
  6. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    I kept chickens for the joy and serenity of watching them do their thing on the green, green grass and of course, for the food. But the peace of their quiet and gentle life living next to mine was always a plus...I can't imagine having a chicken that attacks you every time your back is turned...
  7. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    It usually just makes the animal sneakier and meaner. I'm curious to know if this conclusion was from personal experience? I've never actually beat an animal but have never found one to get meaner or sneakier if disciplined lightly at the appropriate time as a negative reinforcement. I...
  8. Beekissed

    Is it ok to spank our roo?

    A light and very quick cuff across the head when he bites should suffice. Not a slap, mind you...a cuff. It surprises more than it hurts and doesn't knock the bird around, just reminds him that the behavior brings an undesirable response. Worked for my roo and it didn't have to be repeated...
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