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  1. BigBlueHen53

    Rooster integration

    It's hard to believe that a bird can possibly hurt you, but he can. I speak from experience. Good luck to you.
  2. BigBlueHen53

    Rooster integration

    He already has a history of aggression toward small children? Oh dear! Put him to good use and change his name to Stu! A rooster can do serious damage to an adult, never mind a child, as that wicked beak is at eye level! And even if there is little physical harm done, the trauma of a rooster...
  3. BigBlueHen53

    Rooster integration

    Probably not. A younger roo is soon going to go through wild hormonal imbalances and may be a total jerk for a while. He may or may not outgrow this phase. An older rooster that's been in a flock with older hens and/or an older rooster, can be your best bet.* With any luck the older birds will...
  4. BigBlueHen53

    Rooster integration

    First, if you can, it would be good to quarantine him for a month to make sure he is healthy and doesn't have lice or mites that he can transfer to your girls. Second, I would then give it another month to let your girls mature before putting them together. They are a bit young to have a mature...
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