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  1. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Just wanted to update on the hen in which this thread was started. She passed about three weeks ago. She was doing ok. I think she had a weakened heart through all her trials and she seemed especially susceptible to the cold weather. Well, there was an unusual cold spell right...
  2. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    So sorry I did not see your response until now. For some reason, i am never notified when I get a response. Your photos really baffle me! So I'm afraid I can't help. I do know that chicken stool doesn't have to be consistent. The second and the third photo look to me like two...
  3. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    I agree with you about it not being Cocci- yeah, she would be dead. I had a hen die from that and it was less than 24 hours- gone so fast. I really was surprised how fast it could take a poor animal. Is she eating now? I'd get some food in her. I was told that you tube feed a chicken...
  4. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    FlyningNunFarm.. To answer your question, I didn't have to tube feed her the last couple times she got sick- she pulled through the last few times ok and was only sick for a very little time. The first time she got ill, she was ill all winter, and I had to tube feed her for maybe a...
  5. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Just another update, she recovered quickly and is ok. Seems to be something that happens with her when the weather turns cold.
  6. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Hey just want to update. I still have Maple. She has been doing quite well- no problems since I last updated. ... Until today I noticed the same symptoms are back again! Is it the colder weather setting it off?! Anyway, whatever this is, it appears to be seasonal. She is sick again...
  7. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Update.. remarkably, she's pulled through again! She's been inside now while the weather is very cold outside. I think I had a case of hypothermia last month with her. She's ok now though.
  8. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    She is still limping. At times she seems energetic but mostly just stays in her box. I've noticed that her mouth looks blueish... is this another possible sign of poor circulation? I'm tube feeding her now and have her on antibiotics. She did rather well yesterday eating a whole cup full...
  9. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Noticed she is limping. She keeps favoring her left leg. Can't put much pressure on her right. (Internal organ swollen?) She moved around more yesterday, but isn't too much today. She's not eating as much today by herself. Her comb keeps turning different colors and she is still panting...
  10. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    She is still alive. Doing ok. Didn't eat until this evening, but only a little bit. I'll be giving her food through tube starting tomorrow morning. She even perched on the side of her box instead of laying down in it and not moving. She's pooped a little bit and it looks ok, just too...
  11. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    I'm reading now about it.. and I think she does. Her body was cool to the touch, now that I have a heating pad on her, she is warm in those areas and has perked up even more. She showed signs of wanting to eat, but then settled back down to rest... So, its quite possible that because of her...
  12. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    She is still alive... not gasping for air at all anymore and as I said the color returned to her comb. Her body feels cold to the touch though (not a good sign!). I've put a heater under her to help warm her up slowly. Before all that she even perked up a bit- lifting her head and opening...
  13. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    HI Kathy, Nice to hear from you again. She is heavy to lift, so yeah, I suspect there is fluid in there but its not felt through the skin like other illnesses. If she has fluid its inside the body. She is cool to the touch, sadly. (Another reason why I feel death is near)...
  14. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    I"m sorry Cacique500 I didn't see your post until now. Glad to be of help.. .if anything. Its difficult to know what to do when your bird gets sick and I share your frustration which is why i kept updating. When someone else has a chicken that shares the same symptoms and they don't...
  15. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Following through with my updates... You know, Maple was doing REALLY well.. acting completely normal for several months this year. She had even gained weight to the point where you could not feel the bone in her chest. She was doing so well I didn't even have anything to suspect...
  16. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Thanks Kathy! Just wanted to post another update- Maple is still doing very well. Has been totally back to normal for months now. Now I'm wondering what it was that had her so ill for so long!
  17. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Maple is still alive and kickin'. She's gained much more weight and is not emaciated anymore. (She is eating well again) She's still on the smallish side, and also still has her abdominal 'lump' which I think is from EYP. I also still have the other sick hen I mentioned in this thread-...
  18. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Just an update... Maple is still doing well, holding steady. She looks and seems better. Her fecal matter seems to be returning back to normal. She seems heavier, but I think her weight gain is not in the normal areas because her breastbone still seems extremely prominent while her...
  19. Bocktobery 10

    5 year old hen, thin, eating active, but slowing down.. diarhrea with yellow white slime

    Hey all!, Just wanted to update.... Maple is surprisingly a bit better than she was. She is eating better- probably eating about twice the amount she was before and the best news is that her poop is becoming solid! For the most part, no more watery diarrhea that is bright green except...
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