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  1. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    Yep! Perfect solution.
  2. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    I have RESOLVED the issue completely! Firstly, I tried to use towels between the cages to stop the males seeing each other and this made absolutely NO difference lol. So, I covered the whole cage in towels and used clothes pegs to hold them on the cage. Beforehand I put low light Christmas...
  3. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    Glad I'm not the only one 😂 yes mine are Coturnix and I have also considered swapping just would love to try and resolve the issue first.. but we will see lol
  4. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    I think because we're in mobile homes the walls are a bit more thin, and our shed is metal I don't know if that contributes to the sound seeming louder. Personally I like the sound and don't find it intrusive but now they've complained it just makes me almost panic. Don't want someone telling me...
  5. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    Okay that's a good shout will give it a go once I'm home. Yeah the daylight is coming at 4am now which is why I think it's connected to that and why I was wondering if a blackout works. Appreciate the help thank you
  6. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    Do you know what sort of soundproofing? Those squares with the diamonds poking out for acoustics or something more drastic? Can definitely try the mint tonight thank you!
  7. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    Yeah as I said, our previous males have never crowed overnight and the hens all make that adorable happy noise! They get a dustbath top-up once or twice a week, but admittedly no hiding spots.
  8. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    To be fair to the neighbours the shed is essentially against their house as we live in a mobile home park and there is limited space. You can definitely hear them. Our landlord is more than okay with our quail so long as our neighbours do not complain. All our previous male quail almost never...
  9. BrandonsBirbs

    Male Quail Upsetting Neighbour

    Issue: Our three male quail have started to crow overnight, generally from around 4am when the sun rises. I've tried blocking most the light out. I cannot move the cages as they are attached. Information: We have 6 cages, 3 on top and 3 on bottom. The top 3 are currently empty, the bottom 3...
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