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  1. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    I would have gotten corid, but 4 different feed stores around town were sold out of the stuff and sulmet, and there was only one bottle left of the sulmet at one of the feed stores. So either way sulmet and corid are pretty good stuff. I'll try that milk tomorrow when I feed everybody to see...
  2. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Hey, I will try that powered milk in their feed, it sounds like a great idea What is Amprol? And as an update...The other one died...All the help I gave her didnt make much of a difference, cocci happens so quickly...Do you think there was something else i could have done? I just hope, and pray...
  3. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thats allright, but it sounds great about calling the vet and he got you something that worked, I'll have to try that... But I allready gave them some sulmet to drink. Would it be allright if the big chickens drink the sulmet that is ment for the little chicks? Because I have the moms in with...
  4. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Will do, Thank you for all your help!!! For everybody's Help!!!
  5. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Do I need to give it to the grown birds to? Next door to these.
  6. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thanks.......I feed my birds scratch, laying pellets, oats, and leafy greens. The existing bird is not drinking, or eating. The poor thing cant even sit still.
  7. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thanks...1) What type of bird , age and weight. Mix between wyandotte and jersey giant. 2 months, about 1-2lbs 2) What is the behavior, exactly. (Seziure) 3) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. (No) just flipping around, before that standing there not moving) 4)...
  8. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thank you......They have only been like this since I found them this morning in the back of the pen, they were fine completly fine yesterday. And no they could not have eaten any poison, or moldy feed. Thanks
  9. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    labored breathing, and cant be still, one of them stuck its legs out and became straight like a board, then died.
  10. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Ok Not Cool!!!!!! They Are Flipping Around In Their Cage, I Have Them Stable Now. Please Help!!!
  11. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    What do you think they have, if they dont have cocci? And how can I be sure its cocci? To be on the safe side with which medicin to give them.
  12. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thanks:) no this is not their permanant residence, I found the two of them this morning in the back of the chicken house, and stuck them in there so I can treat them. They live in a huge chicken run that we built with hardwood floors, with fresh shavings down on the floor, then they go through...
  13. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    What kind of probiotic should I use to treat with the corid? Sorry about all the questions:/
  14. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Your right both of them are'nt fully feathered, they are pretty small also. For heat they go up under the mother hen, should I still add heat for them? And you say corid, is it a liquid?
  15. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Wher can I get some sulmet or corid, Thank you everybody for all your help.
  16. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thanks, I have'nt seen any blood in their poo, and I can't get the barred rock to eat or drink. I put some Terramycin hydroxide soluble powder in their water, actually in everybodys water.
  17. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    There about a couple of months, I looked and did'nt find any mites or the such.
  18. Burton Wyandotte 601

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Sorry about that, The barred rock just stands there like this, and the mix moves around a little bit more. But their symptoms are almost the same. They just stand there while everybody else is moving about.
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