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  1. Cayuga momma

    Pale Faced Yellow Pooping Lethargic Rooster

    Ok so I've been looking into cures for blackhead, i have found an old thread. metronidazole was suggested. Is an antibiotic. For humans you need a prescription, but they have it for animals which you can buy online. For some reason I can't quote the post so I screenshot it: It's from @casportpony
  2. Cayuga momma

    Pale Faced Yellow Pooping Lethargic Rooster

    I believe Avian flu usually has green poop and usually see signs such as coughing, wheezing, and sneezing. In this case antibiotics might help. I believe with E coli the only thing to be done is antibiotics and even then it might not help. As far as dietary issues I'm gonna need a little time...
  3. Cayuga momma

    Pale Faced Yellow Pooping Lethargic Rooster This might help you figure out what could be wrong. It's a chicken symptom checker.
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