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  1. Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

    Plants in run

    Quote: Great idea! I would have never thought about planting them their own veggie garden. I'm thinking maybe I can plant the tomatoes on the outside of the fence and as it grows larger I can poke some of the stems through the fence (using chain link). Thanks for sharing! Oh and off topic, I...
  2. Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

    Plants in run

    Their run is under two huge cedar trees so they get plenty of shade. I was working out there today and saw some Morning Glorys growing back. I thought most of them were torn out with the blackberries but looks as if they are making a come back too. The blackberries and Morning Gs were fighting...
  3. Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

    Plants in run

    Quote: Awwww, blackberrys, my old nemesis! We cleared 1/3 of our land from blackberrys two years ago and continue to snip the runners regularly. The coop and run are at the edge of our property along the fence line. The land next door is for sale so they only mow it once a year. Their...
  4. Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

    Plants in run

    Quote: What a fantastic idea, I think I'll give it a go! Thank you so much!!
  5. Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil

    Plants in run

    I would like to plant some plants in the run that the chickens would enjoy. I know I would have to protect them and get some good growth. We live in the Pacific Northwest and get tons of rain in the fall, winter and will I guess the spring too! Any suggestions?
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