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  1. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    Thanks @aart! Most of my hens have figured out to lay in the nesting boxes next to my broody and even in the other coop where several other of my hens lay. There is always one, though, that waits until my broody gets up to lay on the fertile eggs! :) Maybe she wants to be a chick Nanny...
  2. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    Thank you soooo much for sharing your experiences with me. It really helps!!!! Good luck with all of your Broodies and chicks!!!!
  3. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    Waited 30 minutes......went back out to the brooder....Liberty was sitting in the middle of the brooder, NOT on her eggs and was not herself. I didn’t want to risk any damage to the eggs, so I immediately put the eggs BACK in her favorite nesting box and came back for Liberty. She ran around in...
  4. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    Okay so when I got home, Liberty was off her nest eating and giving herself a dust bath. I set up the brooder, candled the eggs (4 out of 5 viable and developing!!!!) and set them in the new nest. Put momma in the to wait 15 minutes and see what happens........
  5. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    I will do it later today when I get home from work.......and post how it goes.....:fl
  6. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    Perfect! If the eggs are due to hatch on June 1st, when should i move her and her eggs?
  7. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    I have always heard that....Phew! I will definitely do it during the day when I can see!!!! Thanks for clarifying!
  8. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    When do you move Momma and her eggs in the brooder? (What day of incubation?) I like this idea. I have a 6' 3' brooder with a screened cover that I would love to use for her and her eggs. I bought a kitty litter pan that I plan to fill with straw for her eggs. I will move Liberty to the...
  9. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    @ChickenGirl555 it’s been easy so far. My Black Copper Maran broody is doing all the work!!! Lol. I do collect any extra eggs that appear in the nesting box.... The most difficult part of the process has been for several of the OTHER hens. Liberty (my broody) is sitting on her eggs in the...
  10. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    @lazy gardener I do not have an option to free range since my husband has 2 bird dogs!!! I currently have Two 4x6 coops connect together with Two roofed 10x10 dog runs. My husband has built a multilevel playground for each run with lots of roosts and places to hide. I currently have 11...
  11. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    @ChickenGirl555 At this point, mama hisses and growls and puffs up like a blow fish when I check on her. She hasn’t tried to bite me yet she gets off the nest only a couple of times a day to eat, drink poop and stretch. She immediately runs back to her best when the coast is clear.
  12. Chick-N-Fun

    When can I put first time mama with hatchlings back into the flock?

    I have a first time mother sitting on 5 eggs. Hatch date is June 1st. A couple days before the eggs are scheduled to hatch, I plan on blocking mom and her five babies in the coop from the rest of the flock. How long do I need to wait before integrating mom and her hatchlings back into the...
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