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  1. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    One of the photos looked like a bee to me because of the “stripes”
  2. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    I had to do a double take. That looks insanely identical to a bee. SPIDER BEE.
  3. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Ohh i can’t with the jumping spiders! I have a soft spot for them. Too cute.
  4. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Leopard geckos and fat tails are my favorite!! They’re so pretty. Phoenix has a bit of chicken skin pattern going on, i love it. :love
  5. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    I thought someone could enjoy this! A wood turtle i rescued. And of course i don‘t mean rescued as in adopt, i mean rescued from almost being run over in our driveway. They’re endangered so i put this little man back in the forest the direction he was going. Apparently this little man is quite...
  6. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    What petite little things! Could they get anymore delicate?
  7. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    SO cute! Has to be the cutest tarantula i have ever seen! Oh the fuzz. :love
  8. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    I dont usually like tiny spiders (jumping spiders being a exception) but i love big furry ones like tarantulas! I have a phobia of dead insects so i always get nervous i might accidentally squish the tiny ones because their so small. One i saw today) He ran up my arm, it was cute.
  9. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    I want to hug him :hit Also, i call everything a “him” even my female cat. I have no idea what the gender is though.
  10. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Thats so cool! I definitely have to see pictures! :lol:
  11. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    HES SO CUTE!!! His little emerald eyes! ❤️🥰
  12. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Im in LOVE GIVE ME PLEASE :bow
  13. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Right!? Such cute little eyes and faces to! 🥰
  14. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    To STINKIN adorable! You were the one that said you were getting 2, right?
  15. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Exactly! So cute. We have a few here :p Australian spiders, to.. :lol: those are on the tad interesting side, i still love them, though!
  16. Chicken poppy

    ~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

    Hi! :frowTarantulas and jumping spiders are by far my favorite, they have such cute faces! Wolf spiders are cool to. I like them all!:D I had about 30 spiders, some daddy long legs (not spiders, but still!) and they had some babies, very cute.
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