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  1. ChickenCanoe

    Yellow legs again?

    It is always terrible to lose a bird for any reason. You are in luck though, you have lots of labs in Texas. Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (Main) 483 Agronomy Road College Station, Texas 77843-4471 Phone: 979-845-3414 Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory...
  2. ChickenCanoe

    Yellow legs again?

    I posted this question above. Hopefully you will send the bird to your state diagnostic lab so you will know definitively what the problems is and how to proceed. What state are you in?
  3. ChickenCanoe

    Yellow legs again?

    I've never heard of leg color being an indication of laying or not. Color of combs and wattles is more indicative of current production. The best indicator is checking the distance between the two pointy pelvic bones. Who is Laying.....and Who is Not? Butt Check! | BackYard Chickens - Learn...
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