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  1. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    After starting this thread a long time ago, we still haven't gotten turkeys. We were going to last year but were planning on moving. Now that we're not moving we'd like to actually get a few turkeys. The breed might not be too hard to choose since we'll probably just get 4 or so from the feed...
  2. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    What is the cost involved in feeding and raising turkeys (4 or 5 birds maybe)? We'd like to have a few birds for Thanksgiving and Christmas next year for ourselves and my in-laws. Nothing too large, no more than 25lbs butchered.
  3. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    Quote: Definitely do it. Just don't get too attached! That's going to be the problem...
  4. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    I'm really glad I started this thread. I've been very curious about turkeys. I've been especially curious lately as we are approaching Thanksgiving and I'm seriously considering raising some for next year's dinner...
  5. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    What would be the minimum number to order? Could we get a few and keep them with our chickens?
  6. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    Wow. Tons of great information. I had no idea other people on the forum had this many turkey questions. We also have a ton of wild turkeys here. We get groups of 4-20 in our front yard but they don't usually go into the back yard (except for in the woods) since we have our dogs back there. When...
  7. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    I'm in northern Michigan. I know we'd like the meat so that's one reason to get turkeys. I also think it would be sort of interesting to have a few roaming the yard. It's just an idea at the moment. That's why I'm looking for some information on the subject.
  8. Chicky Joy

    Give me the dirt on turkeys

    How can they be kept (housing etc...)? How do you raise them when compared to raising baby chicks? Can they free-range? What's a good quantity to raise? What breeds have the best personality, hardiness, meat, etc...?
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