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  1. ChickyLove


    Sumi - I had the experience of both public school and homeschool as I was growing up. Public school wasn't as bad 30 years ago as it is now, but I truly enjoyed the homeschool experience. I'm a person who learns better through hands on and one on one communication. My parents made certain that I...
  2. ChickyLove


    Today we did a bit of unofficial schooling. Bonnie does best when she learns hands on, so we decided to combine smack time, reading, math and cooking all into one. We made pretzel dough and she formed it into numbers and letter, then we baked them, played with them a few minutes and ate them...
  3. ChickyLove


    I'm going to be homeschooling my daughter! I did it last year for pre-school and we loved it. Any other home schooling parents out there? When did/do you start your school year? What curriculum do you use and why? Do you do snow days? What an adventure!!
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