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  1. Chirpy

    What farm animal would you suggest?

    Since Pat lives in Canada and has people with personal experience with llamas there you should take heed of what she has noted. I live in Colorado and even though we can have five to eight feet of snow (or 30 feet over a few weeks in parts of the state this year!!) our llamas and our friends...
  2. Chirpy

    What farm animal would you suggest?

    First, I'll agree with everyone else that cold hardy chickens are probably your best choice to start out with. However... llamas would also be a possibility. Around here people often give away llamas or sell them for very cheap ($100-$200). They are very cold hardy (they originate from the...
  3. Chirpy

    What farm animal would you suggest?

    Wow -- that's a hard question to answer. First we need to know what you want it for? Just to look at or to get cuddly with? Do you want it to give you meat, milk or eggs or something back in the form of food? How much time will you have to take care of it? Do you want to have hands on...
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