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  1. Cindiloohoo

    Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

    Quote: AW You're just bein a good chicken momma!! I hope they continue to get better and this doesn't happen again. Watch their waterer and make sure they aren't playing in it.
  2. Cindiloohoo

    Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

    I'm thinking condensation, but you have to figure out where it is coming from, be it spilled water+heat+covering with plastic or the outside vs. inside brooder temp. I think you sound very lucky to have caught it. They wouldn't be baked, more like steamed if it had been much longer.
  3. Cindiloohoo

    Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

    Quote: Cindi is right, much as I hate to admit it. Maybe you should dry them off a bit with a cloth or some paper towels. Take them away from the heat and let them slowly cool off.
  4. Cindiloohoo

    Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

    Quote: NO!!!! You'll cause hypothermia and they will die for sure!
  5. Cindiloohoo

    Help>>>>cooling Down Overheated Bird-SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!

    Chickens don't sweat they pant and the breath evaporates. Is the outside of the brooder temp a lot colder than inside causing condensation to build? I don't understand what's going on???
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