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    Need some quick help on a desicion here....

    Well i did it here is some updated info on this post

    Need some quick help on a desicion here....

    Quote: Anyway to determine ahead of time before driving out there if its mites/lice or just the start of a molt or boredom causing picking of the tail feathers? I would think if it was parasite problem all the other chickens besides the RIR's would be experiencing the same problem wouldn't they?

    Need some quick help on a desicion here....

    Here is a quick question on the pecking thing. She has other breeds to besides the RIR's and none of them have the problem of naked butts as she put it. These RIR's were hatched last march so they would be 1 year old this month. Could this just be a molt starting in rather than a mite/lice...

    Need some quick help on a desicion here....

    Quote: Nope no chickens at all now. So no worries about quarantine from the rest of the birds.

    Need some quick help on a desicion here....

    I guess if they turn out to be a bust on the egg laying they are both dual purpose breeds Keep the feedback coming please!

    Need some quick help on a desicion here....

    I found a person on craigs list who is getting out of chickens about 5 hours from me. She has about 40 Rhode Island reds 40 Buff Orpingtons A Bunch of Auraucanas (pardon my mispells). They are last march hatch and are all laying good. She is just looking to get out of them as she is having to...
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