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  1. DonyaQuick

    LGDs/other guard dogs and house guests

    I think there are rather different strains of pyrs out there and also a lot of individual variation. Mine is very much on the far end of the independent/non-social side of the scale. As a tiny puppy she was a real challenge to train out of certain behaviors because she didn't care one bit about...
  2. DonyaQuick

    LGDs/other guard dogs and house guests

    I think you may be right there lol. Now that the situation is passed though, I've done a bit of dissection on it. The initial introduction with the dog was actually pretty careful; dog got to see my husband and me interact with the guests first, then in a place where she's less defensive...
  3. DonyaQuick

    LGDs/other guard dogs and house guests

    For those who have LGDs or other guard dogs protecting some combination of your home, land, and other animals...what is your setup and protocol if you have guests staying with you? How do you explain how to interact with the dog to guests, and what do you do if they don't follow the protocol...
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