1. Eggcessive

    I'm new, and I have a question! I've had chickens in the past, but now I have 13 who are 9 months old. All healthy and happy.

    Has the swelling gone down? I would flush his eye with saline and use either Terramycin eye ointment, or Neosporin twice a day into the eye.
  2. Eggcessive

    I'm new, and I have a question! I've had chickens in the past, but now I have 13 who are 9 months old. All healthy and happy.

    Can you get a picture from his left side to see the eye better? Is it swollen like a blister or injured? It would be good to see if he was pecked during fighting or if he might be showing signs of a respiratory disease. Is there any bubbles or gunk in the eye? I would get some saline or Bausch...
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