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  1. FoodFreedomNow

    Hatching goose eggs! did every possible thing wrong. I have and internal pip. So now what?

    Congratulations!! What's cuter than a gosling?? :love Incubation (especially the hatching part) is a nerve-wracking business. It gets better with experience, but I'm still on edge around hatching day. Waterfowl hatching is definitely a lesson in patience. May the rest of your hatch go as smoothly!
  2. FoodFreedomNow

    Hatching goose eggs! did every possible thing wrong. I have and internal pip. So now what?

    Goslings certainly do take their sweet time hatching. 🙂 Have you already read Pyxis's Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry? In the section titled "A Safety Hole", there are instructions for when and how to make a safety hole in the air cell to help ensure that the gosling doesn't run out...
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